Clinics We Offer
Practice Nurses
The practice nurses are available Monday to Friday, by appointment, for:
- Immunisations
- Travel vaccinations
- Blood pressure checks
- Blood tests
- Dressings
- Removal of sutures
- ECGs
- Cervical smears
- Dietary advice
- Diabetic checks
- Asthma checks
Child Health and Vaccinations
The childhood vaccinations are now given at the recommended intervals to protect small babies from diphtheria, tetanus, polio, whooping cough, measles, mumps, rubella, HiB and meningococcal meningitis.
There are weekly immunisation sessions for all childhood vaccinations. Your child should receive an appointment card via the Bucks Hospitals NHS Trust computer. Otherwise, you can make your own appointment for the immunisation clinics.
We ask mothers of all newly registered children under 5 to provide us with details of previous immunisations.
Other Services
Family Planning
We can provide a full range of family planning services, including smears, pills, coils, diaphragms etc.
Minor Surgery
Treatment of warts, cysts, lumps etc. can be carried out at the surgery.
Antenatal/Postnatal Clinics
Routine antenatal and postnatal care are carried out at the surgery by your own doctor and the midwife.